👫🔥🍽🫑🍅🍔🌭🥩Hi Friends! LET’S FIRE UP THE GRILL!!! As I mentioned in my IG stories today, switching gears for the warmer months and with it now being spring here, I am adding an addition and changing up the What’s for dinner Wednesday?! -Cooking with Courtney segment and it will now be What’s grilling Wednesday?! -Prepping and Grilling with Courtney & Rich. I am figuring many of you are not putting together crockpot meals as well as the large hot meals as much and if you’re anything like us, we tend to switch gears once it’s warmer and grill more. It’s sort of a nice break for me because Rich does all the grilling here at our home and I typically do the sides and and some prep for the grill.
I can’t promise we’ll be grilling every Wednesday as we tend to get busier in the warmer months and it’s all weather pending but on the Wednesdays we do grill, I will be sure to share with you what I prep and what Rich will grill. I’m feeling like this is more appropriate for the season and I hope we can have a lot of fun with this and who knows maybe it will carry out into the summer months. I had a lot of great feedback throughout the winter and have had so much fun cooking, sharing and eating with all of you!
On the menu tonight, a fresh white cod fish. For more on what you will need and how I prepped for grilling, see below. Please continue to share with me and anytime you do if you share on your own IG agree be sure to use the hashtag #whats4dinnerwedcookingwcourtney
Have a great evening friends! Let’s cook, let’s share, let’s eat!
