Happy Wednesday friends!! Well baby girl, we’re as ready as were going to be for you!! 💗☀️🍭🌸🎀💕🌼Here’s another shot of this beauty of a “chandi!” I just love the whimsical, girly look of it, it’s matte finish and all it’s soft rainbow colors. And let’s face it, anything’s better than the “boob-light” as so many of you hilariously call it.
I have linked this chandelier in my nursery story highlights and any other questions about any other nursery decor, certainly ask!
Baby girl, you are a hand-picked gift and blessing from above and we are beyond excited to meet you! 💗
#nurserydecor #nurserydecorinspiration #babygirlnursery #babygirl #baby3 #julybaby #awaitingbaby #sunshinerainbowsandflorals
