HI Friends
! Today I am following up with a blog post on the feedback I got from you last week. I had reached out to all of you asking for healthy kid-friendly snack and meal ideas and suggestions. I thought this would be a great segment for my Momma friends as many of us get stuck in a rut and tend to go with what is easy and comfortable for our kids. I tried to stick with easy meals and better yet budget friendly and picked my favorites based on your suggestions.
If you’re anything like me, you stick with what they like but I find that often times you stock up on it and then they end up getting sick of it. Typically our go to meal that I know my Littles will always eat are those darn chicken nuggets. Anyone else feel me on this?!
Other meals that we do that I would like to share with you are pasta and meatballs, turkey meatballs, mac & cheese and I add broccoli as anything that’s cheesy my littles typically will eat even if it’s vegetables. Fish sticks, spaghetti squash, English muffin pizzas. A little trick we do when serving vegetables is we drizzle a little honey or maple syrup over them. When serving my littles french fries, a healthy alternative we do is sweet potato fries. If your littles are anything like mine, anything with cheese on them they typically love. That being said if it’s not honey or maple syrup we drizzle over foods, it’s cheese. It’s a win-win because not only are they getting a healthy dose of some thing but their dairy intake and vitaminmin D as well. As for snacks and healthy go tos for us, we do apples and peanut butter. If your littles have nit allergies a healthy alternative to peanut butter is sun butter and super delicious. My Littles also love the pretzel peanut butter bites from Trader Joe’s. Some other snacks that are our go to’s are whole-grain goldfish, veggie sticks, cheese and crackers. Often times when I have tomatoes that are ripe and ready I will slice up and they love those as well. If I have fruit lying around that needs to be used before it goes bad I will slice up some bananas and peaches and add two scoops of plain yogurt and 2 teaspoons of honey and make either smoothies or popsicles out of them. Based on your feedback, aside from our favorites, I got a lot of great suggestions. Here are some to name a few that were my favorites. And better yet, I selected those suggestions from you that were also budget friendly: Healthy kid friendly snack suggestions: Fun, colorful assorted fruit and veggie snack trays Frozen grapes or any frozen fruit Fresh fruits Annie’s organic granola bars String cheese Gogo Squeezies Carrot sticks or any veggies and dressing ZBars Animal crackers Pumpkin muffins Zucchini bread Yogurt and granola Yogurt covered raisins Healthy kid friendly meal suggestions and recipes if apply:
Veggie tots
Grilled cheese and tomato
Chicken or ground Turkey and cheese panini (add veggies if you wish)
Lettuce wraps
