GOOD MORING!! 💙☕️ Here’s to the Dads, here’s to all of YOU!! CHEERS!! Hope everyone has something special lined up for those special Dads, Hubby’s and father figures in your life for this weekend!! I will be doing my very best to make sure it’s extra special for my hubby as it’s not easy day but I know we will have plenty of signs from above!! ❤️🌈💙 We are kicking off Father’s Day weekend with some strawberry picking this evening
🍓🍓🍓....We will be local, getting together with family, pretty low-key weekend. It’s supposed to be a scorcher here this weekend and I’m not sure I’m ready for the 90-degree weather yet but bring on the family time and summer feels!! Hope everyone enjoys their weekends and a very special happy Father’s Day weekend to all those amazing Dads! 💙💙💙
“Even if you can’t see me or hear my voice I am always by your side.”
