It’s another round of, “What’s grilling Wednesday?!”
I just love a good family night on the patio this time of year. It’s certainly feeling like summer around here and it’s a great feeling.
Here’s what you’ll need for grilled stuffed chicken:
chicken breast, mixed shredded cheese, fresh spinach, olive oil, Italian bread crumbs
Here’s how to prep:
Wash chicken and sliced so as to make a pocket. Coat the inside of the pocket with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Add a layer of shredded cheese then a layer of spinach and another layer of shredded cheese followed by a drizzle of olive oil more salt and pepper and Italian breadcrumbs. Seal the chicken with a few toothpicks drizzle more olive oil on top along with more salt and pepper and Italian breadcrumbs. Grill and serve with a side of rice and salad. ENJOY!
