That’s a busy mom it’s so important to find my zen each day. This is time where I can get myself grounded and centered and just breathe. Life can be very busy as a stay at home mom of three with two dogs. Finding my son helps me to stay calm and present with my Littles. Finding your own Zen can be done in many ways, ways that comfort you and suit you and your needs. Here are some ways I find mine.
Sometimes there are days where I literally don’t have a moment and I really can’t find any other way to find my Zen other than just breathe. Typically what I will do is take five deep breaths. This is helpful at times when the kids might be overly stimulated, not napping and misbehaving when it’s easy for me to lose my patience with them and raise my voice. Rather than do this, I take time even if it’s just a few moments to just breathe.
Closing your eyes
Sometimes closing my eyes in the midst of chaos can bring me to a calm place that I can visualize if I’m not able to get there. I will picture myself at a place that’s calming for me like the ocean.
As a grieving mom part of what keeps me centered is praying to my son. Often times I have very sad days, days when it’s hard to focus on my children and days I want to just wallow in my sadness. Praying to my Angel helps me find my zen and helps me to stay focused.
Finding your happy peaceful place
I enjoy being by the ocean, always have. Living in a small country town metro west of Boston doesn’t always allow me to do so and therefore that’s when closing my eyes comes into play or finding other places that bring me peace. My front porch is always a peaceful place for me as well as some other locations close to home.
Exercise always helps me to find my zen. It relaxes me and gets my endorphins going. I am able to a times take my mind elsewhere and that in itself is relaxing for me.
Doing things you enjoy
Other activities and hobbies I do that help me to find my zen are writing, music, photography, shopping, home styling, getting creative with household projects, cooking. And short do what makes you happy, do what relaxes you and makes you feel good even just a few minutes a day can make such a difference in your mental health and well-being.