Let’s face it this year the holidays are feeling different for everyone. Maybe you’re not seeing family that you ordinarily would see, maybe you’re just staying home for the holidays or maybe you have some loved ones that have passed or are no longer with you.....it’s feeling different and hard for so many reasons on so many levels. That being said, what are you doing to make the best of this holiday season and maintain some normalcy? Here’s what we’re doing and maybe you might find this helpful:
Zoom calls in place of large holiday gatherings
let’s be honest there’s nothing better than embracing your family and being close enough for all the warm fuzzies but this year this isn’t the safest option and therefore we are doing zoom calls in place of our family gatherings. It doesn’t feel the same but it’s the next best thing and why not try it as it’s better than not seeing your family at all.
Making it a fun event when packages come to your home.
This year you’re not going to be able to see many of your family members in person and open those gifts with them therefore make it a special fun event when those gifts show up in your mailbox or on your front doorstep. Make it fun for the kiddos by sharing a FaceTime call with those that sent the gifts, let them open the gifts early why not right?! I think everyone needs some happiness these days and the sooner the better!
Maintain the traditions that you are able to do.
Our family has several traditions that don’t involve large groups of family and are totally doable and safe this year. Keep those traditions and bake the cookies, continue to go for that drive to see the Christmas lights, do the Christmas caroling but do it in a socially distant way, visit Santa asthere are plenty of options to do this safely and socially distant. There are endless ways that you can still keep up that Holly Jolly spirit. I hope these suggestions can help some of you.

Happy holidays from our family to yours! ❤️💚-“Sunny”