Good morning Friends!! 💙☀️✨☕️❤️Hope everyone had a good weekend!! Ours was pretty restful, low-key, we were local... We are getting so close to the big date and as ready as we’re gonna be!! 💗It’s a short, easy week for most....I have always loved 4th of July and this time of year!! We have all our summer red, white and blues out at this house. ❤️🇺🇸💙 We are wrapping up the the week and ending it early on Thurs and we are off to my fave place on earth; Cape Cod!! Looking forward to seeing family and friends and getting some R&R before baby. .
This is my favorite place to have my morning coffee in the summer!! Any of you have a favorite spot at your home? It’s so peaceful and it’s where I do a lot of my blog-work, foundation work, praying, thinking, writing and clearing my’s my calm, quiet,zen place.❤️
Questions on anything, I have tagged items for your convenience or happy to link items or similar in my story for your shopping convenience. Hope everyone has a great day! .
Grief comes in waves but we have learned to swim. We are growing, healing and not moving “on from” but forward. #gabrycealwaysinourhearts ❤️
#4thofjuly #festivesummerfeels #summervibes #summeroutdoorspaces #summeroutdoordecor #farmersporchsummerinspo #frontporchdecor #4thofjulyweekend🇺🇸💥🇺🇸